The captain’s chair is one of the best back strengthening exercise devices ever invented. It was designed by a personal trainer in California named Joe Haines and it is basically a chair with a thick wooden leg that extends up high enough so that your foot can just touch the floor when you are sitting in the chair. The idea is that you are supposed to be able to lift yourself up and down from this chair without using your hands or arms. This allows your body to work on muscle groups that are not normally used when you are standing or sitting. The captain’s chair is really a great tool for building strong back, legs and buttocks. It is also a very useful exercise for people who suffer from back pain.
How To Use The Captain’s Chair Leg Raise:
Lie face up on the floor in front of the chair. Grab the two arm rests on the chair with your hands about shoulder width apart. Lift yourself up into a kneeling position by straightening your legs. Keeping your back as straight as possible, slowly pull yourself up until your chest is just above the chair seat. Pause, then slowly lower yourself back down to the floor. Do this 10 times. That’s one set. Do this twice more for a total of three sets.
That’s it for today
Remember to do the exercise every day if you want to see maximum results. And don’t forget to buy the captain’s chair exercise device if you don’t already have one. You can find it at any sporting goods store for about $20.00 and it will make all the difference in the world when it comes to getting strong and healthy.