The first time I did this exercise, I was bored to tears. I couldn’t understand why the hell my muscles were so stiff and sore the next day. It took me a while to figure it out, but after that first attempt, my muscles have never been the same. Now, I do this exercise as a matter of routine… and… it is one of the main reasons my body is in such incredible shape.
WARNING: Don’t do this exercise without proper supervision. It can cause injury if you aren’t doing it right.
Here’s how to do it:
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Grasp the sides of a chair in front of you with both hands. Your arms should be straight out from your shoulders with your palms down.
Pull the chair toward you until your body is arching up off the ground. Hold this position for a count of five, then slowly release and return to the starting position.
Do this exercise 10 times for one set, or until you can’t do another rep without help. Then, do one or more additional sets. The goal here is to make your body stronger… not to hurt yourself. So, don’t push too hard in the beginning. Just keep practicing and you’ll get stronger and stronger.
When you’re done with your workout, you’ll have a great deal of soreness. That’s a good thing. Sore muscles are much easier to build up to maximum strength.
Remember: Routine is the mother of habit! So, do this exercise every day for best results.